Money Market

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Money Market

This is short to a medium-term investment product that aims to give a reasonable rate of interest while preserving capital and offering liquidity.

  • - You will earn interest which is credited and re-invested at the end of each month.
  • - Your capital will remain safe.
  • - You will get competitive rates based on the market.
  • - No entry or exit fee is charged, you can top up at any point or withdraw your funds at any point and the same is credited to your account within two days.
  • - For first time investors, this would be the best starting point.

Returns on the Money Market Fund

Returns consist of interest from the various interest bearing instruments and is credited monthly. It is recommended that the interest be reinvested in to the fund so as to maximize return on investment through compounded growth. It is recommended that the funds be invested for at least 1 year.

The interest is credited to investor’s account monthly for investors who roll over credited to investors’ bank account for investors who need a regular cash flow.

The interest rate will fluctuate with market dynamics. insurance companies endeavors to invest prudently and negotiate competitively to give its customers the best rates possible in the market taking investor’s security of their investment into consideration.

This fund is:

  • For the investor looking for a safe place for their funds and with a low risk appetite
  • Investors looking to preserve capital.

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